Application Process
The Application Forms for the above advertised Posts is to be filled ONLY in the ONLINE MODE at the Careers Portal of the University
Separate Application Forms are to be filled for each Post detailed under a different Serial Number of the Advertisement. The Processing Fee for each Application Form is Rs. 500/- and is to be paid only in the ONLINE MODE at the Careers Portal of the University. PwD candidates are exempted from payment of prescribed Processing Fee, in case they upload an Authentic Certificate of Disability on the Prescribed Proforma with the Application Form or by a Competent Authority under the Right of Persons with Disability Act and Rules (as amended from time to time). Application fee once received shall not be refunded. Applicants must follow all the instructions as given in the Advertisement and the User Manual available on the Careers Portal of the University. The applicants shall be solely responsible for reading all the instructions and filling up the form accordingly. The University shall in no way, be responsible for any error/omission/commission/suppression of relevant information by the applicant knowingly/unknowingly overtly/covertly while filling up the application form and uploading the documents required therein