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What is the eligibility criteria for CISF Constable Tradesman 2025? |
Candidates must have passed 10th class and possess an ITI certificate in the relevant trade. The age limit is 18-25 years (age relaxation applies for reserved categories). |
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How can I apply for CISF Constable Tradesman 2025? |
You can apply online through the official CISF website. Fill out the application form, upload required documents, and pay the application fee. |
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What is the selection process for CISF Constable Tradesman? |
The selection process includes a written exam, physical efficiency test (PET), trade test, and medical examination. |
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What is the salary for CISF Constable Tradesman? |
The salary ranges from ₹21,700 to ₹69,100 per month, along with allowances and benefits as per government norms. |
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What is the application fee for CISF Constable Tradesman 2025? |
The application fee is ₹100 for general/OBC candidates. SC/ST and female candidates are exempted from the fee. |
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What are the important dates for CISF Constable Tradesman 2025? |
The notification release date, application start date, and last date will be announced on the official website. Stay updated by visiting the site regularly. |
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Is there any physical test for CISF Constable Tradesman? |
Yes, candidates must pass the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), which includes running, long jump, and other physical activities. |
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What documents are required for the application? |
You need a 10th certificate, ITI certificate, Aadhaar card, photograph, signature, and caste certificate (if applicable). |
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Can women apply for CISF Constable Tradesman 2025? |
Yes, both male and female candidates are eligible to apply for the CISF Constable Tradesman position. |
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Where can I download the admit card for the exam? |
The admit card will be available on the official CISF website. Candidates can download it using their registration ID and password. |