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What is the eligibility criteria for IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager PGDBF 2025? |
Candidates must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD). |
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What is the age limit for applying? |
The minimum age is 20 years, and the maximum age is 25 years as of the cutoff date. Age relaxation applies for reserved categories. |
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What is the selection process for IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager PGDBF? |
The selection process includes an online exam, group discussion (GD), and personal interview (PI). |
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How can I apply for the IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager PGDBF 2025? |
Applications can be submitted online through the official IDBI Bank website. Fill out the form, upload documents, and pay the application fee. |
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What is the application fee? |
General/OBC candidates need to pay ₹1000, while SC/ST/PWD candidates pay ₹200 as the application fee. |
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What is the salary for Junior Assistant Manager at IDBI Bank? |
The starting salary is approximately ₹6.14 lakhs per annum (including allowances). |
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Is there a bond period for the PGDBF program? |
Yes, selected candidates must serve the bank for a minimum of 3 years after completing the PGDBF program. |
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Where can I find the official notification? |
The official notification will be available on the IDBI Bank website: www.idbibank.in. |