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What is the eligibility criteria for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge 2025? |
Candidates must have a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from a recognized university and must be enrolled as an advocate. Age limits and other criteria are specified in the official notification. |
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What is the age limit for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2025? |
The minimum age is 21 years, and the maximum age is 35 years as of the cutoff date. Age relaxation applies for reserved categories as per government rules. |
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What is the selection process for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge? |
The selection process includes a preliminary exam, mains exam, and interview. Candidates must qualify in each stage to proceed to the next. |
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How can I apply for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2025? |
Applications must be submitted online through the official Rajasthan High Court website. Fill out the form, upload required documents, and pay the application fee. |
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What is the application fee for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge 2025? |
General/OBC candidates need to pay ₹1000, while SC/ST/PWD candidates pay ₹500 as the application fee. |
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What is the salary for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge? |
The salary ranges from ₹27,700 to ₹44,770 per month (Pay Level 10) as per the 7th Pay Commission, along with allowances. |
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What is the exam pattern for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge? |
The exam consists of three stages: Preliminary Exam (Objective), Mains Exam (Descriptive), and Interview. Check the official notification for detailed syllabus and marking scheme. |
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Where can I download the official notification? |
The official notification will be available on the Rajasthan High Court website: www.hcraj.nic.in. |
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Is there any negative marking in the exam? |
Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in the preliminary exam. |
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What are the important dates for Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2025? |
Important dates, including application start date, last date, and exam dates, will be announced in the official notification. |
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What documents are required for the application? |
Required documents include educational certificates, photo ID proof, photograph, signature, and caste certificate (if applicable). |
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Is there any training period after selection? |
Yes, selected candidates will undergo a training period as prescribed by the Rajasthan High Court. |
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Can final-year LLB students apply? |
No, candidates must have completed their LLB degree and be enrolled as advocates to be eligible. |
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How can I prepare for the Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam? |
Focus on the syllabus, practice previous year question papers, and refer to standard law books for preparation. |