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What is the last date to apply for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
The last date to apply will be announced in the official notification. Candidates are advised to check the UPSC website regularly for updates. |
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What are the eligibility criteria for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
Candidates must have a Master’s degree in the relevant subject with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwD) and must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET). |
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How can I apply for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
Visit the official UPSC website, complete the registration, fill out the application form, upload required documents, pay the fee, and submit the form before the deadline. |
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What is the application fee for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
The application fee is ₹25 for General/OBC candidates. SC/ST/PwD and female candidates are exempted from paying the fee. |
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What documents are required to apply for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
You will need a scanned copy of your photograph, signature, educational certificates, NET qualification proof, and category certificate (if applicable). |
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Can I edit my application form after submission? |
No, once the form is submitted, you cannot make changes. Ensure all details are correct before final submission. |
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What is the selection process for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
The selection process includes a written test (if applicable) and an interview. Final selection is based on performance in both stages. |
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Is there an age limit for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
Yes, the age limit is generally 35 years for General candidates, with relaxations for reserved categories as per government norms. |
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What is the pay scale for UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
The pay scale is as per the 7th Pay Commission, Level-10 (₹57,700 - ₹1,82,400) with additional allowances as applicable. |
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Where can I check updates about UPSC Assistant Professor 2025? |
All updates will be available on the official UPSC website: upsc.gov.in. |